
Humble in Service

Having turned 60, with retirement imminent and with many years of experience as Head Teacher at a school in Kenya, James (pictured) reflects on his time in education and the impact the Imarisha Maisha program has had on the wellbeing of children in his care.

‘We would use harsh punishments like beating,’ he recalls. ‘But the program has helped make the schools child-friendly, which means more pupils want to join. Our zone has improved academically, and the school population has gone from 91 when I took over to 138.’

The Imarisha Maisha program trains teachers in child protection, caring for vulnerable children and restorative justice. James explains how this program reflects the actions of Jesus: ‘Though Jesus had all authority from his Father, he humbled himself and walked among the people so that he would elevate them. Likewise, this program makes us go to the level of a child, to sit down with the child, reason with them and be able to elevate them.’

The Imarisha Maisha program is run by AOA’s partner, The Anglican Church of Kenya Mt Kenya, West Diocese and receives funding from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and from AOA’s generous supporters.