
Where we Work


123 million



HDI Ranking


Mean Yrs of School


Infant Mortality

Land-locked Ethiopia is part of the Horn of Africa in the continent’s northeast and shares borders with Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and Kenya.

Valerie shares a little of her story and the challenges faced by AFAR Pastoralist Development Association.

A country steeped with historical importance, it is home to one of the oldest civilisations and nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The history of the coffee bean can be traced back to Ethiopia’s ancient forests.

The Afar Region in the northeast of the country is one of the toughest places in the world to live and extends into Djibouti and southern Eritrea. The region has some of the hottest inhabited places on Earth, with temperatures exceeding 50oC. Crops cannot be grown, so the Afar people live a traditional semi-nomadic lifestyle, moving their goat and camel herds in search of food and water.

The spread of disease is more likely as people move across the country, and lack of access to maternal and child health care in the region means high maternal and infant mortality rates, and poor health and nutrition for surviving children. Most women give birth in their villages with no medical attention. Children are also vulnerable to diarrhoea, measles, malaria and HIV AIDS.

We have been working with our partner, the Afar Pastoralist Development Association (ADPA), on a variety of projects to improve the development and well-being of the Afar people. With a particular focus on vulnerable women and children, they have developed mobile health and vaccination programs, livelihood projects, water provision and harvesting resources, and children’s education programs.