about us
Work - Our Approach

We work in
By working with local partners who are already playing a vital role in community life, we are building on local strengths that facilitate sustainable and authentic change. We partner with like-minded, faith-based (usually Anglican) organisations or networks that play a vital role in the transformation of individuals, communities and societies.
Our partnerships prioritise organisational strengths, mutual learning, sustainability, and operational independence. We support our partners to engage with different members of the community in each stage of the program to ensure that it is inclusive and meets the needs of all people regardless of gender, social status, religion, disability, or age.

We work with strengths of communities
A strengths-based approach to development work recognises that every single person living in their community has capacities, abilities, gifts, and ideas that will assist them in achieving their dreams and goals.
AOA and partners support communities to realise their strengths, create a vision and work to achieve it. The power of holistic community empowerment when existing strengths and assets are realised and mobilised leads to long-lasting meaningful change as it has been brought about by communities themselves.
Our partners work to ensure that those who are most marginalised have a voice and their strengths are utilised to build a more inclusive, stronger, sustainable community.

We are a faith-based development agency
Our work is underpinned by the belief that as people of God, we are to be obedient to Jesus’ command to love our neighbours as ourselves and to affirm the biblical imperative of compassion and justice for all creation.
We commit to bringing the fullness of life to all people by pursuing the dignity, equality, and inclusion of those experiencing poverty and marginalisation (Deuteronomy 15:4). We especially seek to pursue the dignity of women, promoting their equality (Genesis 1:27).
We partner with God’s work of a renewed creation, knowing that we are called to be good stewards of God’s world (Colossians 1:20). In all we do, we act wisely and with integrity (Luke 12:48). Anglican Overseas Aid’s mission is not to proselytize; instead we seek to complement the Church’s mission of bringing light to the world by shining the love of Jesus through our actions (Matthew 5:14-16).
‘Faith-based development is not a theoretical exercise. [It is about] ministering as friends because new life is experienced together in community.’ Bob Mitchell