Joseph of Arimathea:
The Courage to Act

Some of Jesus’ closest followers fled in fear after His crucifixion, but one man took a stand when it mattered most: Joseph of Arimathea.

A wealthy and respected member of the Jewish council, Joseph had kept his faith in Jesus a secret. Speaking out earlier may have cost him his influence, his livelihood, or even his life. 

But after Jesus’ death, Joseph made a bold decision. He went directly to Pilate, requesting Jesus’ body, and placed Him in his own tomb—an act that openly aligned him with the man whom the authorities had just condemned.

Would we have had the courage to do the same? Would we risk our reputation, our status, or our safety for the sake of what is right? 

This Lent, Anglican Overseas Aid and Mothers Union Australia invite you to reflect on the lives of those who, in quiet or bold ways, chose to honour their faith when it mattered most. 

Each week, we’ll explore the lives of those whose choices, shaped by faith and fear, left a lasting mark on the Passion story.

📖 John 19:38"Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jewish leaders."

Joseph of Arimathea was a man of wealth, influence, and quiet conviction. As a member of the Sanhedrin, he had access to power, yet his heart was drawn to Jesus. 

While the council condemned Jesus, Joseph did not consent to their decision. But he also remained silent—until the crucifixion forced him to make a choice.

By asking for Jesus' body, Joseph risked his status, reputation, and position within the Jewish council. His actions associated him directly with Jesus at a time when many of Jesus’ disciples had scattered in fear.

With the help of Nicodemus, another secret follower, Joseph carefully prepared Jesus’ body for burial, wrapped Him in linen, and placed Him in a tomb meant for himself.

This moment was more than an act of kindness—it was a public declaration of faith. While Joseph had once hidden his discipleship, he now stepped forward, regardless of the cost. 

His story reminds us that faith is not only about belief but also about action, courage, and sacrifice.