The Roman Centurion:
The Truth of the Cross
Lent is a time to pause, reflect, and consider how the Passion story still resonates in our lives today.
It challenges us to look at familiar events through fresh eyes, to step into the shoes of those who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, and to ask: how might we have responded?
One of the most unexpected voices in the Passion narrative comes from a Roman centurion—a hardened soldier who had likely presided over countless crucifixions. Yet, on this day, something about Jesus moved him to declare, “Truly, this man was the Son of God” (Mark 15:39b).
What caused this transformation? Was it the supernatural darkness that covered the land, the violent earthquake that shook the earth, or the profound way Jesus endured His suffering?
This Lent, Anglican Overseas Aid and Mothers Union Australia invite you to reflect on the lives of those who encountered Jesus in His final hours. Each week, we’ll explore the story of a key figure who stood at a crossroads of faith, fear, and revelation.
Week 3: The Roman Centurion – A Revelation of Faith
📖 Mark 15:39b – “Truly, this man was the Son of God!”
The crucifixion was a brutal and public spectacle designed to inspire fear and enforce Roman authority. The soldiers who carried out these executions were no strangers to suffering and death.
Led by a centurion, these soldiers ensured the condemned were stripped, beaten, and paraded to the site of their execution. For the centurion overseeing Jesus’ crucifixion, this would have been just another day of duty. But something about Jesus stood out.
Unlike other condemned men, Jesus did not retaliate or curse His accusers. The centurion watched as Jesus spoke words of forgiveness, assured the penitent thief of paradise, and commended His spirit to God.
These acts of grace, combined with the darkness that covered the land and the earthquake that followed His death, caused the centurion to proclaim with certainty: “Truly, this man was the Son of God.”
The centurion’s role required bravery, discipline, and the ability to lead soldiers under extreme conditions. Yet, despite his hardened exterior, this moment transformed his worldview.
What might have happened to him after this revelation? Did he share his experience? Did his faith continue to grow? While Scripture does not reveal his future, his story invites us to consider how encounters with Jesus can transform even the most unlikely individuals.

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