
A symbol of transformation

'Symbols are powerful because they are the visible signs of invisible realities'

St Augustine

A key finding of the strategic review undertaken by AOA in 2022 was that many supporters said they couldn't remember the AOA logo. Those who did were unsure of its meaning; many felt it was outdated.

Symbols and logos are important because they convey messages, ideas, and beliefs quickly and concisely. Indeed our Christian faith is enriched by symbols, such as the cross.

The quote of St Augustine resonates strongly. As supporters, we are committed to loving our global neighbours, but the transformational impact is often unseen.

So what is at the heart of AOA, and how could this be communicated through a logo?

When the late Archbishop David Penman founded AOA, its purpose was to connect Australian Anglicans with Anglicans working amongst the world's poor so that together lives would be transformed. Today, 35 years later, this remains at the heart of AOA's mission.

The new AOA symbol consists of a partial 'A' on the left representing Australian Anglicans, a circle representing the globe, with a second partial 'A' representing Anglican partners and their communities overseas.

Bishop Desmond Tutu often spoke of the concept of Ubuntu, that we live in a connected humanity. When one person's humanity is diminished, our collective humanity suffers. Reflecting this belief, the two 'A's in our logo only become whole when they are united. It represents our connectedness and mutual transformation.

Reflecting on the parable of The Good Samaritan, French theologian Jean Calvin wrote of a ‘mutual obligation between all [people] … knit together with a holy knot. We must not live for ourselves but for our neighbours.'

AOA seeks to connect Anglican communities globally, and our new logo represents our prayer that by loving our global neighbour, we will also be transformed, bound by our shared faith and desire for restoration.