Climate Resilience

Lambeth Conference: A prayer for the environment

The Community of the Sisters of the Church, Solomon Islands Province. The Anglican Church of Melanesia.

Anglican Overseas Aid (AOA) has had a long-term partnership with The Community of the Sisters of the Church, in Solomon Islands. Their Christian Care Centre is one of only a few women’s refuges in Solomons Islands.

It was wonderful to see their prayer for the environment featured in the official Lambeth Conference Prayer Guide. May it serve as a prayer and opportunity for reflection for us all.


Lord of the universe, you have created this beautiful world and entrusted it to our care to respect and protect it. Help us to see creation through your eyes that we may see your beauty, goodness and the wonder that surrounds us.

Lord, we have fallen short of your glory and have polluted the blue ocean that reflects your unending love and disrespected the inhabitants that dwell there.

We have not recognized that our lives and survival depend very much on the respect and care we show your creation.

You came to set us free from bondage so help us to care for our mother earth that feeds us daily.

Protect us from over-harvesting our natural resources and deforesting the natural beauty of the forest.

Increase our love for you so that we may be able to educate our younger generation to care and protect this fragile environment.

May the people living in these islands grow in their love and knowledge of you through appreciating the environment they depend upon; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
