
Sept 1 - Oct 4, 2024

Season of Creation Resources

Check out some of the links and downloads below to help you celebrate this year's Season of Creation with your community.

This year, from September 1 to October 4, we join the global Christian community in observing the Season of Creation, a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all of Creation through prayer, reflection, and action.

The Season of Creation is not just a time to reflect on the state of our planet, but a call to action. At Anglican Overseas Aid, we believe that by working together, we can cultivate the "firstfruits of hope" and bring about real, lasting change. This is a season to let our hope inspire our actions, to stand in solidarity with all of Creation, and to work tirelessly towards a future where the Earth and all its inhabitants can thrive.

The theme "To Hope and Act with Creation" is a call to embody a faith that is both hopeful and proactive. Drawing inspiration from Romans 8:19-25, we are reminded that Creation itself is groaning in anticipation of its redemption—a redemption that we, as God’s children, are called to participate in. This is not a passive hope but a living, breathing hope that requires us to act in solidarity with the Earth and all its inhabitants.

In a world facing the triple crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, this theme is more relevant than ever. It challenges us to confront eco-anxiety and despair with the transformative power of hope—hope that is rooted in concrete actions aimed at healing and restoring our common home.

As we journey through this Season of Creation, let us hold fast to the hope we profess, knowing that our efforts, combined with the power of God’s grace, can bring forth the renewal of our common home. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Christ, acting in love and hope to care for our beautiful, fragile world.

Download this year's invitation to share with your community

The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to
the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family around the world unites to listen and care for our common home. The “Celebration” begins 1 September, the Feast of Creation, and ends 4
October, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many
Christian denominations.

Advocacy Resources for the Season of Creation

This year the Season of Creation encourages the Christian family to act together by engaging with the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT). FFNPT is an initiative to help catalyze the phase-out of fossil fuels while ensuring a just global transition for workers, communities, and countries. Join us in our September 21 day of action and throughout the season.

Promotional Resources

Liturgical Resources

Activities for individuals and churches

Go Deeper

Check out the Season of Creation website and comprehensive resources to take your journey even deeper.