Policies and Guidelines

Seeking to be good global neighbours, Anglican Overseas Aid (AOA) is committed to the highest levels of ethical behaviour in all our areas of work. Here are some of our key guiding policies and documents.


Anglican Overseas Aid’s accounts are subject to an annual audit.

A copy of the audited financial statements must be lodged with the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) within five months of the completion of the financial year.

Child Protection Policy 

We are committed to protecting the safety and wellbeing of children, and uphold and employ the Australian Government’s zero tolerance of child exploitation and abuse.

If you have a child safety concern relating to the work of Anglican Overseas Aid, either in Australia or in one of our countries of operation, please contact our Chief Executive Officer on 1800 249 880 (toll free within Australia) or +61 (0)3 9495 6100 (from outside Australia); via email at complaints@anglicanoverseasaid.org.au; physical address; C/O The North Collective,  713 Brunswick St Fitzroy North, VIC, 3068; or via our postal address: Anglican Overseas Aid, PO Box 1339 Fitzroy North VIC 3068.

Financial Due Diligence

At Anglican Overseas Aid (AOA), we take seriously our responsibilities for reducing the risks of the money we send to our partners being used for anything other than our intended purposes. In high risk contexts, we take extra caution through detailed policies and procedures to ensure that all funds are directed appropriately and not used fraudulently or nefariously.

To this end we request personnel lists (including staff, board members, volunteers, and closely associated organisations) on a 6-monthly basis and perform due diligence checks with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and the Australian Attorney General’s Department.

Given our rigorous reporting processes to the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and our obligations under the Australian Council for International Development’s (ACFID) Code of Conduct, we confidently promise every effort to ensure good stewardship of funds.

Any further queries on our financial due diligence policies, please contact aoa@anglicanoverseasaid.org.au

Communications Policy 

In all of AOA’s activities, and particularly its communications with the public, we will accord due respect to the dignity, values, history, religion and culture of the people with whom we work, consistent with principles of basic human rights.

Conflict of Interest Policy 

AOA aims to conduct its activities to the highest standard of personal and corporate integrity and transparency. 

Non-Development Activity – Evangelism, Welfare and Politics Policy 

AOA is committed to ensuring that all development activities are in line with its commitments to rights-based development. We are a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development’s Code of Conduct, the ACT Alliance Code of Conduct and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Contractual Agreement – all of which preclude support for evangelistic, political or welfare activities.

Development assistance and participation and support in relief and development programs are provided on a non-discriminatory basis.

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy 

AOA is committed to safeguarding by which we mean protecting the dignity, safety and human rights of all people affected by our work. We have an obligation to prevent misconduct and harm to children and adults, and we advocate for and foster a culture of awareness, prevention and response that is empowering to vulnerable persons affected by sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

All AOA parties are expected to uphold and promote the organisation’s values, display behaviour and reflect attitudes that nurture a strong safeguarding culture.

If you have a safeguarding concern relating to the work of Anglican Overseas Aid, either in Australia or in one of our countries of operation, please contact our Chief Executive Officer on 1800 249 880 (toll free within Australia) or +61 (0)3 9495 6100 (from outside Australia); via email at complaints@anglicanoverseasaid.org.au; physical address; C/O The North Collective,  713 Brunswick St Fitzroy North, VIC, 3068; or via our postal address: Anglican Overseas Aid, PO Box 1339 Fitzroy North VIC 3068.

Code of Conduct: Personal & Safeguarding

AOA is committed to the highest standards of professional and business conduct in all areas of its work, both in Australia and overseas. Our reputation is one of our most valuable assets and is founded largely on the ethical behaviour of the people who represent AOA. Compliance with this Code of Conduct, AOA’s policies and the law is a condition of working with AOA. Safeguarding and protecting AOA parties, sponsors, supporters and the communities in which we work is paramount. AOA parties should always uphold the dignity of people and treat all people with respect.

Privacy Policy 

AOA is committed to your privacy in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles, established under the Privacy Act 1988. Our policy outlines our commitment to you and how we collect, store and use the personal information you supply to us.

Whistleblowing Policy 

AOA aims to:

  • allow and encourage safe reporting of misconduct or illegal activity at AOA
  • uphold its high standards of ethical conduct and financial responsibility
  • outline the process for dealing with reports and protection of whistleblowers
  • ensure that misconduct is dealt with appropriately

Anglican Overseas Aid is accepting of complaints as they can be a valuable learning source about the way we operate and how we can do things better.

Anglican Overseas Aid is committed to being accountable for what it does and in the relationships it has, and allows the opportunity to have grievances and complaints heard, and to seek redress and to restore and improve on our relationships and work.

We have a formal process for handling complaints, which is detailed in our Complaints and Feedback Policy, which can be found here. If you'd like to complete a AOA Complaints & Incident Reporting Form, please download and complete this document.

Anglican Overseas Aid’s dedicated complaints email address is complaints@anglicanoverseasaid.org.au

If you have a child safety complaint or a matter relating to sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment (also known as a safeguarding complaint) relating to the work of AOA either in Australia or in one of our countries of operation, please contact our Chief Executive Officer on 1800 249 880 (toll free within Australia) or +61 (0)3 9495 6100 (from outside Australia) or via email at  complaints@anglicanoverseasaid.org.au or Physical address: C/O The North Collective,  713 Brunswick St Fitzroy North, VIC, 3068 or via our postal address: Anglican Overseas Aid, PO Box 1339 Fitzroy North VIC 3068.