Vision and Values

Our vision is to see Anglican communities working together for God’s renewed creation, free of poverty.

Our Vision

We focus on four key areas to ensure we are effective in pursuing our vision: 

Transforming Communities

We work with communities to alleviate the pressures of poverty, moving towards greater gender equality and climate resilience.

In our partner communities in Africa and the Asia-Pacific, the Church is an effective network for change; it has significant influence and is growing in numbers. The work towards equality for women and elimination of gender-based violence is starting with the Church and then influencing the community. As a result, we are seeing more women empowered to lead change in their families and communities.

Working in Partnership

We prioritise long-term partnerships with Anglicans who are leading change in their local communities. Theologically informed and solutions orientated, we work with our partners to build their capacity, seeking to do good, not harm.

Connecting Anglicans Globally

Australian Anglicans are relationally connected with global partners for greater impact. Responding to poverty demands both action and relationship. As Anglicans in Australia, we are called to love our neighbour in places such as Africa and the Asia-Pacific. That is why we connect Anglicans here with partners around the world to work towards a renewed creation – together.

Championing Future Generations

We see new generations of Australian Anglicans who, motivated by their faith, are responsible and involved global neighbours working towards a world free of poverty.


Commitment to the poor

Deuteronomy 15:4

The Bible compels us to remember people who are living in poverty, to be generous and address the underlying causes.

Dignity of all people

Genesis 1:27

Our work pursues the dignity, equality and inclusion of people experiencing poverty and marginalisation, with particular focus on women.

Restoration of all creation

Colossians 1:20

The Bible compels us to be good stewards of creation and partner with God’s work of renewal.

Church as light in the world

Matthew 5:14

God works through the Church as light in the world to bring good news, justice and love.

Integrity and accountability

Luke 12:48

We are called to be wise and act with integrity with the abundance we have been given.