Where we Work
Solomon Islands
724, 273
HDI Ranking
mean years of school
World Risk Index
Solomon Islands, located in the south-west Pacific Ocean, is made up of 992 tropical islands and atolls.
The lands and surrounding waters boast thousands of species of plant, animal and marine life, many of which are found only in the region.
The Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade reports that Solomon Islands is one of the poorest countries in the Pacific with much of the population involved in subsistence/cash crop agriculture and less than a quarter participating in paid work. More than 80% of the population lives in rural areas scattered across multiple, remote islands, which makes communications, transport and delivery of basic health and education services extremely challenging.
Opportunities for unskilled labourers to find ongoing and meaningful work, particularly in the outlying islands, are extremely limited, especially for women. Unemployment is high, and only one in six school leavers find paid employment.1*
Gender inequality and violence against women and children is a serious issue, with more than 63 percent of women and girls having experienced violence at the hands of an intimate partner or family member. 2The problem is exacerbated by high unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse and lack of institutional support.
With Anglican Overseas Aid’s support, our partner the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) is working with women to strengthen their capacity to advocate for climate and gender justice through participation in decision-making about climate change and disasters that affect their communities.