Where we Work
South Sudan
10 million
HDI Ranking
Mean Yrs of School
Infant Mortality
Land locked, South Sudan borders Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic.
It has a diverse landscape with rainforests, savannas and swamplands.
South Sudan became independent from Sudan in 2011, but hopes for a better future were quickly dashed when in 2013, civil war broke out again, leaving tens of thousands dead, millions displaced, and increasing disease, hunger and economic decline.
According to the United Nations Environment Program, South Sudan is one of the five most climate-vulnerable countries in the world. With droughts and floods affecting food supplies and livelihoods, people are struggling to adapt to the multiple challenges they face.
Anglican Overseas Aid works with the South Sudanese Relief and Development Agency (SSUDRA) to support those most marginalised by political and climate emergencies. Development of livelihoods, climate adaptation measures and economic assistance in the form of cash transfers are some of the ways SSUDRA is supporting the people of South Sudan.