
al-Ahli Arab Hospital

Help the al-Ahli Arab Hospital respond to the overwhelming needs around them.

Ahli Arab Hospital

The hospital remains open, caring for the injured.

We pray for the release of all captives, the injured and those mourning the loss of loved ones.

We pray for peace.

At Anglican Overseas Aid (AOA), we long to see the world as God designed it to be, renewed and restored.

We recognise our attitudes and actions impact people around the world, especially those facing poverty and this is exacerbated by the impacts of climate and inequality.

Our work pursues the dignity, equality and inclusion of people experiencing poverty and marginalisation, with a particular focus on women. 

We are called to love our neighbours in places such as Africa and the Asia-Pacific, choosing not to walk past those in need, but instead to work together to respond to disasters, poverty, and injustice.

We connect Australians with our partners and their work, knowing that mutual transformation can occur.

Safer World for All

Threats to our world are intensifying – dangerous weather, increased wars and soaring inequality. Help build a safer world for all.

Through your generosity, our partners can continue to address the underlying causes of poverty.

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